Seattle Trip

“Travel brings power and love back to your life.” – Rumi

My older sister, Cheyanne, is absolutely wonderful, but had regretfully moved away from me a few months ago to Seattle, WA. She is such a great friend and knew how crushed I was by her move, so she bought me plane tickets to come visit her and her boyfriend, Josh. It was such a joy to spend time with her this past weekend, see her new life, and embrace the new culture she gets to call home.


Let me give you a short list that summarizes my trip:

– Food: amazing seafood. everything is good!

– Coffee & Tea: like 3 a day…

– Booze: wine. cider. cocktails. wine.


That’s pretty much the bulk of what we did. There was a lot of walking around town. EVERYTHING is within walking distance and it was fun to be apart of such an active city. The food is superb. Absolutely all the dishes we tried were delicious, minus the clams… And every single place we went to served beer and wine, even the coffee shops, tea shops, sweet shops, etc. It was such a culture shock. And, of course, the coffee was splendid.

I also got to see some extended family while I was in town. My second cousin was having a baby dedication and then we spent all day Sunday watching football (and I forgot to bring a book)! It was such a blessing to be surrounded by family I do not get to see very often.

Here is a video with all the pictures of the trip (sorry, mostly food and building… the important stuff!):

I seriously had such a great time being around my sister and Josh (who is practically my brother already). I cannot wait to go back and visit again.

Much love, Taryn xoxo